Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hate all u men!

Bloody men! I hate whatever constitutes men, whatever they are made up of. I hate their sick brains, their horrible hormones and their hateful instincts. Bastards all of them. Can never see a female as another human being. They are always an object- an object of sexual satisfaction, object to pass time on and to feast their eyes upon, and sometimes hands or other parts of the body too.

Hate u all, u bloody men! And THIS is the very reason I never let em go happily if I see them enjoy a woman's discomfort when they stare at or wink at or touch a woman stranger. I quickly pace up and reach the culprit and give him a hard kick an inch above the back of his ankle, where it hurts a lot. When he turns to look, I give him exactly the same look that he had given to the woman whom he had troubled, when they looked at him. I get a sense of achievement, jubiliation, joy, satisfaction and fulfilment after that act. I did it a while ago on an eve teaser.. teasing me! Kicked a big cement block backwards so that it'd land on his bony leg and hurt him. It did. YAY!
Bastards all of them!


wanderer said...

all men aren't bad.. well..not THAT bad. Some men are nice..and we...i don't see you as an "object"who the bloody hell is this eve teaser.

How dare he tease my eve. You should have hit him harder...and bit more higher than just ankle..There is a technique I would use in fighting guys, its not a very "nice and sporty" technique..its more of a "dirty trick" kinda thing..but very very effective.I even have a special name for it..nothing fancy though.

Plus, this technique can not jsut help you avoid eve teasing, but can put an end to it completely.I call it, knee-to-the-nuts.

it works better when you pull them towards you while doing so...the added momentum really helps.


all men are bad except the one you fall in love with.

Ada said...

So they're all bad for someone or the other..