Of late, I have this developed this immense craving for chocolates. And I'm not choosy. Anything will do, with or without the wafer or nuts inside, though I prefer pure chocolate. Better if its not dark chocolate; its bitter, its fun, its healthier, it leaves me feeling naughty and adventurous, but I prefer milk chocolates. White chocolate is good too. What's more.. I'm having one right now.. as I type this. And getting this one was more like a treasure hunt.
I was lying down and listening to a song by this lovely voice.. and like heaven, poured into my mind- hot chocolate. (Yeah, heaven.. chocolate.. one and the same) I sat up, eyes wide, mouth tight shut coz I was drooling, my earphones lying on the bed, that lovely voice abandoned. That was for precisely three and a half seconds. Then I jumped out of bed as if I was bitten by a bug and paced all the way to the kitchen, opened the fridge with anticipation in my eyes, gladly dug my hand in and pulled out a... a... a...?
Oh mighty heavens, or hell.. or whatever was responsible for this craving in me.. who ate all the chocolates? I vividly remember having seen at least a dozen bars when I had them last. My brother it has to be. Grrr... He was in office. I called him; rarely ever call him when he's at work. He was concerned.
"What's the matter?"
"WHAT?? Are you crazy? You called me for this?"
"Don't yell."
"There's not one in the fridge"
"Ohhh hussshhhh!!! Open my black bag. There are a few KitKats in there. And keep everything else in place. And don't..."
BANG!!! Oh.. that was me slamming the phone. My work done, who has time to listen to his silly instructions?
Rushed to his bag and there they were.. half a dozen shiny red objects. Crunchy munchy KitKats mmmmmm... heaven... :-) :-) :-)
And here I am relishing them and finishing them. Will tell bro to buy another boxful on his way back :D Oh by the way, the dozen chocolates that I had seen in the fridge last time, probably had seen them before they got attacked by me heh heh..
really a great one!!where r all the chocolates!!......do u lyk me binge on them!!!i bring a stack of dem during exams!!.......*drools*..erm...uh...sorry for drifting!!!well keep it up...
Manisha, yesss.. its like an uncontrolled chain reaction, one follows the other n I just want more n more lol.. the chocolate lovers' club is surely the most populated ;)
heyyyyyyyyyyy..chocalates for me tooooo....
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