Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Repairing the soul

Its not a good phase that I'm going through. I've been earnestly trying to help myself come out of this sad unhealthy state of mind. Mmm.. music.. music can be a good help in this matter. Of late, I've been listening to very sad heart-broken songs like What Hurts the Most, Fool Again, That's Why You Go Away and the like. I chose these songs because the happy lovey dovey ones seemed to be mocking at me, celebrating love and life when I was sulking for lack of them. And these sad ones that I chose unfailingly put me in a sickening state of mind. Was more like I was calling out to sorrow for company. Not only was my mind sad and my eyes perenially moist, but it was also affecting my health. I had had enough. Why should I cry for someone who doesn't even deserve my tears? Why should I sulk and waste away my beautiful life? I needed to urgently bounce back to my normal self, to my normal naughty crazy state of mind.

One little thing I could do was to change my playlist. So, I deleted all the sad ones and put in all my goody favourite songs just before a two and a half hour journey. I carefully filtered the playlist and saw to it that there were no sad songs at all in it. Shakira was in my list earlier because she was a refreshing splash of energy and never failed to make me rock along. But now, I was so confident about my new playlist that I didn't include her this time.

My journey began. Switched on my music player. I loved those songs, they were all my favourites. And then, the inevitable happened. Tears welled up in my eyes. Oh oh! I shouldn't have included that song. But I loved it, so didn't skip it. Next song. More tears. Oh freak! ALL my favourite songs had a touch of sadness in them. Such a loser! Like I enjoyed sorrow, loved sulking and having eternally moist eyes. I need help!

Seriously, I have to do something about myself. I have to get busier maybe. Spend less.. aah no.. spend NO time thinking about my past. Get in touch with long lost friends and strengthen the bonds with my close buddies. Now they've been a refreshing lot :-) Yes I know how to repair myself, how to pull myself out of this huge lone hole that I fell into, how to live once again..


manisha said...

that is so infexious ada!!...maybe u shud only put peppy numbers in ur track..watch "f.r.i.e.n.d.s"--->coz dats my stress buster n as da old sayin goes--dwelling on past makes u more sad!!!dis one lyf u have!!!....well..did i lyk juss advice u too much??? :P...i didnt stop writing..i stopped blogging!!;)...well..how do u know me???

Ada said...

Manisha, first of all, thanx :) you're my first visitor! Yeah you're right, I need a fresh n freshening playlist. Its not like I keep thinking about my past, but it has been so beautiful that a lot of things around keep reminding me of it. But I know I'll get over it pretty soon :) I'm always open to advice and suggestions. Uh.. I don't really know u, happened to visit ur blog and wondered why u stopped after June! U should continue.. ur blog is fun! Why did u stop?

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss~~ I am a firm believer in LOGIC and hence a believer in the fact that Music is not a solution for any "change"--be it the one that you desire in your mood/lifestyle.Music just makes you repetitive ( or atleast makes your thought process centrifuge ).Yes,changing the playlist is a nice option as you may think of (am sorry to disagree) but if you really want to turn maybe you need to look for better solutions.Like doing some unexpected yet refreshing things~~

Anonymous said...


I have had a bad run in the past (recent past to be honest) and i just got upset with everything going on around me.There is this culfest of my college which invites people from all across the nation and it was what I utilized to freshen myself up.I saw myself walking upto people n doing crazy( yet socially acceptable) things.n trust me this was a better attempt than listening to music.Having chocolates is also a better option.As manisha suggested FRIENDS is not that bad either.In a nutshell, I would personally refrain myself from doing something that calls for repetition.

PS note-apologies if i sound sarcastic.

All the best..

Ada said...

Sri Tatsat, :-) I have been keeping myself busy and am spending time with my closest friends. And u know, I'm feeling on top the world. U were right about music, it doesn't change mood.. just puts u more into it. Music is a good companion in good times.

Anonymous said...

Exactly~~Have fun !! Happy diwali